Excessive screen time (on TV/mobile) can lead to behavior problems in babies.

Can TV/mobile lead to behaviour problems in babies?

Is your little one spending too much time on tv/mobile? Are you worried about it? How much on screen time is safe for your child? 

Cartoons, digital games, and other media designed for young children can be filled with shouting, threats, even shoving and hitting. Several studies suggest excessive screen time could contribute to children's behavior problems as they grow. Some experts are concerned that screen use interferes with children's social and emotional development as well.

The American Academy of Paediatrics advises against TV and other screens (including phones, computers, and tablets) until children are at least 18 months old (except for brief video chats with adults).
If your child is at least 18 months old, limit his screen time to no more than an hour a day, and choose high-quality, age-appropriate media, especially if he seems prone to aggressive behaviour. Watch shows with him, and check in on him when he's playing a game (or play it with him).
Discuss how characters work out conflicts and brainstorm better ways to resolve them. Don't keep the TV on in the background, and be sure not to expose him to more mature content for older viewers. (Source – babycenter.com)
Think of alternatives
To engage babies meaningfully you need to find alternatives other than tv/mobile/tablets. Children books can be a great medium to do that. There are few publishers in India which are creating great children books in English and regional languages. Problem is that very few people know about them. Accessibility of such high quality child literature in affordable price is also a challenge in most cities of India including state capitals. Choosing right book for their child is also a challenge for parents. Thankfully there are few startups emerging in India which are working towards talking these children books to every door step. Tiggibox is one of them. They are providing 3-4 age appropriate handpicked children books every month at your door step in very affordable price as low as Rs. 335 per month. Here’s check there website



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